Melina Schreiber Ashley Turning 21 years old on August 23!!!
Going Sky diving on my birthday! Woo Hoo!
We rented two farmhouses- making sure Dad & Rosa were in one home while Mom & Jay were in the other one as it was their first vacation “together”.
ROLL CALL: 14 were present: Dad & Rosa, Dan & Jill with 2 yr old Chloe and 2 mos old Jasmine, Janet (pregnant with Melina) & Tom, Debbie & Denny with 3 mos old Alexis, Tim and Lucy the dog
ABSENT & EXCUSES: Rick & Susie (didn’t realize what an awesome event this would be so they had other things to do?)
ACTIVITIES: Hanging out at the big farmhouse, horseback riding, boys playing basketball, taking the babies for walks, big meals
Tim, Dan, Jill, Dad, Rosa, Tom & Denny taking the purity test. There were horses. [Janet]
Tom turned 31, and Janet got him golf shoes, having HUGE meals at the farmhouse and having to plan
who was in charge of what meal, Mom & Jay were in charge of breakfast, and Jay kept giving Lucy
sausages. I told him it wasn’t a good idea, so he did it more to spite me, and Lucy threw up all over the
kitchen! Dad looking so cute and natural holding the babies, Debbie’s big conversion van, Debbie,
Denny, Tom and Jill went horseback riding on huge draft horses. You had to go through Debbie &
Denny’s bedroom to get to Janet & Tom’s room and Alex was crying half the night and Janet thought
she was going to go insane! Jasmine crying half the day and only the swing comforted her. Between
the two babies, Janet wasn’t sure she wanted one anymore!!! We tried to be very sensitive to the fact
that both Mom & Dad were “taking a vacation together” and putting them up in different farm houses.
[Mom] It was cold and rainy. [Debbie] There were 2 rooms upstairs for sleeping. Between Alexis,
Jasmine and Chloe, someone was awake crying all night. Sometimes all at once. Parents got very little
sleep and we were exhausted in the morning. I’m pretty sure we made a pact to avoid this kind of
sleeping arrangement for the rest of our lives.